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When God Says Speak: Instructions for those who are called to use their voice for the glory of God! (EP84)

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In the world of faith-based storytelling, unexpected blessings often unfold when we least anticipate them. In this episode of The Faith-Based Storyteller Show, I share the profound revelation I received during my time in the tent of meetings where God instructed me to “Speak.”

This divine command serves as a powerful reminder that believers are called to use their voices for God’s glory, to proclaim God’s word, love, and promises. May the Lord bless you with ears to hear what he has for you in this season of your life. God loves you and so do I!

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Here Are 7 Faith Steps You Can Take To Unleash Your Voice

  1. Create Your Tent of Meetings: Set aside a dedicated space for prayer and seeking the Lord.
  2. Pray and Fast with Purpose: Be intentional in your prayers and fasting, seeking divine guidance.
  3. Position Yourself for Divine Instructions: Distance yourself from distractions to receive clear guidance from the Lord.
  4. Study and Prepare: Dive into the Word of God to gain a deeper understanding and prepare for your divine assignments.
  5. Seek Fellowship: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your faith and are on a similar journey.
  6. Embrace Obedience: Trust and obey the instructions you receive, knowing that immediate obedience brings blessings.
  7. Speak Boldly: Recognize the power of your voice and share the word of God boldly and confidently in every opportunity.

By following these faith steps, you’ll unlock the potential of your voice and fulfill your divine calling to speak for the glory of God.

Amplify Your Voice

In conclusion, my unexpected journey unveils a powerful message for faith-based storytellers. The divine command to “Speak” echoes through the biblical narrative and resonates with believers today. As we march around the walls of uncertainty, doubt, and inhibition, our voices become instruments of God’s power, breaking down barriers and ushering in His blessings. May this revelation inspire you to amplify your voice for God’s glory, recognizing the impact your words can have on the Kingdom.


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